
Richard Powell

Richard is an experienced Learning and Development professional with an inspirational focus on developing people through facilitation, coaching and practice. With over 10 years’ experience in a variety of fields and organisations, Richard has well developed skills in small and large group delivery, problem solving and people management. Richard is highly effective in partnering with business leaders to influence and assist employees towards achievement targets, using his L&D expertise to drive effective support, coaching and improvement. With an energetic style, role fulfilment is achieved by being able to be “hands on” and delivering results that illustrate well thought out outcomes. Richard is a member of the Australian Institute of Training and Development, the association of choice for training, learning and development professionals.

Major strengths include:

Small and large group facilitation
Expertise in technical/system, customer focused and nationally accredited training programs.
Stakeholder engagement aligned with organisational goals.
Driving employee capability through facilitation, coaching and practice.